Bringing people together
Forever home with Creator God
Through the love of Jesus Christ
And the power of the Holy Spirit
The Church of the Living Hope is a new church founded in January 2022 by Andy and Helen Bookless and by others who felt that God was calling them to share in this exciting new venture.
We are mainstream Christians, holding firmly to the core truths of the Bible and the historic Christian faith and we have recently affiliated to a church network called ACE (The Anglican Convocation in Europe). We also have a longing to share more of God’s love and power, and the life-changing message of Jesus with our community.
All are welcome to join us for our informal worship times. No dress code!
We meet for worship every Sunday at Hubberston and Hakin Community Centre, Church Road, Hubberston, Milford Haven, SA73 3PL. Our times of worship are :
11.15 am weekly - Our morning times together have a very relaxed feel to them. We seek to make them appropriate for children and families, whilst welcoming people of all ages. Our current monthly pattern is :
1st Sunday - Chill and Chat, including craft activities for the children.
2nd Sunday - Family Service, followed by a Bring-and-Share lunch.
3rd Sunday - Any Questions - looking together at questions people ask about life and faith.
4th Sunday - Cafe Church - interactive worship, including time to chat.
5th Sundays will be flexible in terms of what we do.
6 pm weekly - Our evening times include lively worship, Bible-based teaching and prayer, and sometimes include Communion. We offer prayer for healing and seek to be open to the gifts and presence of the Holy Spirit. There are refreshments afterwards, often with plenty of cake.
If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples.
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32
Come, see and taste
God is for you
God is good
God is Love