Recordings of sermons
Here you will find recordings of sermons from the Church of the Living Hope
God uses weakness
Judges 6 v 11-24 - We think about how God called Gideon to lead His -people and how He uses people who are aware of their weakness.
Jesus the teacher
Jesus taught people as one who had authority. We think about what made Jesus such a great teacher.
Be the Church
Preaching the Gospel and making disciples, loving each other deeply, worshipping always, praying continually and serving our community.
Rob Jones
Be the Church
Preaching the Gospel and making disciples, loving each other deeply, worshipping always, praying continually and serving our community.
Jesus - the Son of God
What does the Bible teach us about Jesus - the Son of God ?
(First two minutes - no sound)
Andy Bookless
Praise and Worship in the Christmas story.
A look at how Praise and Worship keeps coming to the fore in the stories of the birth of Jesus and what we can learn from this.
Andy Bookless
You are the Light of the World.
Jesus said "I am the Light of the World", but he also said to his disciples "You are the Light of the World". This message is about the calling and responsibilty we have to be the Light of the World.
Andy Bookless
Seeing the Spiritual Harvest
Jesus told his disciples "Open your eyes and look at the fields. They are ripe for harvest." We think about opening our eyes to see the spiritual harvest today.
Andy Bookless
Seeing the Glory of God in Creation
God has given us an amazing world, which has been tarnished by human sin, but we can still see His Glory in Creation and we are called to be stewards of His world now.
Andy Bookless
Seeing the glory of God's word
Rev Josh Maynard speaks about the Book of the Law being found in the time of King Josiah and seeing the glory of God's word.
Josh Maynard
A Great Victory !
The final message in a sermon series on the Old Testament character of Gideon, as we look at Judges 7 and see how God led Gideon and the Israelites to a great victory and what we can learn from this story.
Andy Bookless
Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
Rob Jones speaks about Jesus message of the kingdom of God, which was central to his teaching.
Rob Jones
Jesus the Healer
A look at the healing ministry of Jesus, why he healed people and how healing played an important part in his ministry.
Andy Bookless
Jesus the Man
A look at the humanity of Jesus and the way he experienced so much of what we go through in our daily lives and is able to help us.
Andy Bookless
The God who guides
We look at the story of the Magi or "Wise Men" being drawn to Jesus, and what it can say to us about the God who guides.
Andy Bookless
Psalm 84
A look at the message of Psalm 84 and some of the ways in which God may be wanting to speak through it to us as a church.
Andy Bookless
Jesus the Team Builder